Joseph's Christmas and Birthday Wishlists
Page last modified Tuesday, 17-May-2011 20:20:12 EDT
Thank you so very much for wanting to buy me a present!
I don't really have my lists partitioned; they're pretty much the same list. ;) The items here aren't in a particular order. You'll also note there are some high-dollar ones (e.g. pcHDTV cards and the lasers book) as well as much cheaper ones (classical CDs tend to run *real* cheap. :)
Please note that used books are perfectly fine! The information in 'em is still good!
Computer Books for Work
- GNU C Library: Application Fundamentals
- GNU C Library: System & Network Applications
- Modern C++ Design
- Effective C++, 3rd Ed.
- More Effective C++
- Exceptional C++
- More Exceptional C++
- Exceptional C++ Style
- Effective STL
Computer Books for Fun:
- The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business As Usual
- Seeing What's Next
Fiction Books:
- Most anything from science-fiction is great. Used or not; doesn't matter. Deutsche Bücher würden fantastisch sein! :)
- Fred Saberhagen's Beserker series, except from Beserker Fury and Beserker Kill
- Thanks to Shannon, I am now addicted (and aware of the existance of) Fox Trot books, and must now collect them all. I have the following:
- Your mother thinks square roots are vegetables
- [title here; forgot it right now and it's not with me]
- I suppose political books fall under "fiction," so they may as well go here. I'd like some political books. :) Both conservative and liberal are welcome; they both bring perspective.
Science Books:
- Solid State Physics by Giuseppe Grosso (Editor), Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini (Editor)
- Solid-State Physics: Introduction to the Theory by James D. Patterson, Bernard C. Bailey
- Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits by Larry A. Coldren and S. W. Corzine
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics (NOTE: I already own Vol. 3, so individual volumes are welcome)
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 4
- More Dance Dance Revolution for Wii
- Some of those cheap but fun Wii action/movement games where you get up and move (e.g the "Party" series and the Wii Sports Resort)
- Any Georg Philip Telemann CD, preferably strings (not some weird rearrangement, 'kay? :)
- Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc.
- Dvorak, Brahms
- Especially cello music (e.g. Yo Yo Ma)
Movies/TV Shows (DVD):
- Evangelion Rebuild 1.11, 2.22 and 4.x and 5.x when they come out.
Computer Gear:
- Nook Color (It's a half-price Android tablet!)
Miscellaneous Gear:
- T-Shirts:
- USB Glowing Ball
- Blue Laser Pointer
- New and nifty games (if videogames, they need to be for Linux); boardgames or cardgames or whatever always welcome!)